Thursday, September 12, 2013

¡¡Aprender Los Sonidos Del Inglés!!

Help for the Spanish speaking ChildrenNow ... for the first time!  Help for the Spanish-speaking child in the English language reading  
environment!  Available on DVD.

Welcome to AHA! The English Language Sound Spectacular.  AHA! is a self-contained dual-language phonics enrichment program custom designed for native Spanish-speaking students.  Used in conjunction with Beginning English reading programs, it aids the child in unlocking English language sound-symbol relationships.  Used in conjunction with beginning Spanish reading programs, it
teaches, in the language with which the child is most comfortable, the concept of decoding.
High-interest, lavishly illustrated detective format helps the student solve the  mystery of English sounds and symbols via dual-language adventures including Sweet Thing and the Green Bean Beast, the Mighty Pie-in-the-Eye Sniper Caper, Mugs Money, the Truck-Driving  Duck Thug, the Case of the Vain Viper, and many others.
Lesson 1 - Long English Vowels
Lesson 2 - Short English Vowels
Lesson 3 - Consonants; with
                   special emphasis
                   on letters B,V,R,H,
                   and J, the most difficult
                   for Spanish speakers.

Order Aha! English Language Sound Spectacular at thru Amazon and other DVD sellers.

Ahora ... por primera vez! Ayuda para el niño de habla española en el idioma Inglés entorno de lectura! Disponible en DVD.

Bienvenido a AHA! Espectacular El Idioma Inglés Sound. AHA! es un programa personalizado autónomo bilingüe fonética enriquecimiento diseñada para los estudiantes de habla española de origen. Utilizado junto con el comienzo de los programas de lectura en inglés, que ayuda al niño en el desbloqueo de inglés relaciones entre sonidos y símbolos. Utilizado junto con el comienzo de los programas de lectura en español, que enseña en el idioma con el que el niño se sienta más cómodo, el concepto de decodificación. GRAN FORMATO INTERÉS alto interés, formato detective profusamente ilustrado ayuda al estudiante a resolver el misterio de los sonidos y los símbolos en inglés a través de aventuras en dos idiomas como Sweet Thing y la bestia de la haba verde, el Poderoso Pie-en-el-ojo Francotirador Caper, tazas Dinero , el pato Thug Truck-Driving, el caso de la víbora Vain, y muchos otros.

Lección 1 - Long Inglés Vocales Lección 2 - Short Inglés Vocales Lección 3 - Las consonantes, con especial énfasis en las letras B, V, R, H y J, el más difícil para los hispanohablantes.

Ordene Ajá! Idioma Inglés Sound Spectacular en oa través de Amazon y otros vendedores de DVD.

Friday, June 7, 2013

NEW from Postwood Press... for your children, your grandchildren or your great-grandchildren!


An introduction to the sounds of the orchestra. For pre-school, kindergarten and early grade school children. A young girl, Anne, finds herself in MusicLand and meets the various musical instruments.

This program was designed to introduce pre-school, kindergarten and early grade school children to the basic orchestra and band instruments. Basic emphasis in the program is on recognition of sounds of the instruments. The method employed is the utilization of a story theme and the development of a personality for each instrument introduced.

A young girl, Anne, is the vehicle through which the story progresses and the instruments are introduced to the listener. It is anticipated that the children will more readily recognize instruments with which they can associate a character or story.

Anne wakes up to the clash of cymbals at the gate of Musicland. She receives permission from Cymbal the Great to enter Musicland. Anne becomes involved in a disagreement between violins and "fiddles", searches for the missing Silent Sam the Cello, and meets many inhabitants of MusicLand, including Grandpa Bass, Violet Viola, Flighty Flute, Tiny Piccolo, Blacky Clarinet, Ruby Oboe, Bob Bassoon, and Jax the Sax. 

In Chapter Two, Anne continues her search for Silent Sam the Cello so he can play in a special Musicland Concert. While searching for Silent Sam, she meets Boom-Boom the Bass Drum, Rat-a-tat Snare Drum, and Ting-a-ling Triangle. They invite her to join their parade in honor of Terry and Timmy Timpani who are returning to MusicLand after their successful debut at Carnegie Hall. She meets Big George the Tuba, Slipper Slide Trombone, Frenchy the French Horn, Mr. Trumpet, and the Timpani. Anne's adventures in MusicLand end with the successful concert appearance of Silent Sam, and a promise from Cymbal the Great that she can return to meet more MusicLand citizens in the future.

The children in your life will love this interesting story, while developing a new interest in music and the various instruments.  This fun recording is available through AmazonAnne in MusicLand as an instant download.  Or, Click here to order the CD.